Women Empowerment Unit

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has launched programs focused on women's empowerment in partnership with Iraqi universities and international organizations. As part of these efforts, a Women's Empowerment Department has been established within the ministry. This initiative reflects the vital need to cultivate female leaders in higher education, promote their involvement in decision-making processes, and ensure a strong and effective presence in leadership roles and committees.

Empowering women to play a vital role in achieving sustainable development within a nation that guarantees all their constitutional rights. This vision involves equipping women to overcome challenges, broadening their roles across all sectors, ensuring full protection, and providing equal access to economic, social, and political opportunities, enabling them to strengthen their capacity to contribute to the nation's development.

To enable women to become effective and capable members of society and leaders who actively engage in decision-making and contribute to shaping and strategically activating policies. This is essential to meet the country's needs both in the present and in the future. Women must acquire, develop, and utilize the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for this purpose.


Collaborate with local and international organizations, as well as the global community, to implement United Nations resolutions on women's rights, Increase the number of female leaders within the Ministry of Higher Education by showcasing women's achievements and skills, ‎Enhance the representation of women in written, audio, and visual media, Promote women's participation in local and international conferences to enhance their scientific capabilities in higher education, Honor accomplished and creative Iraqi women in various fields by awarding them for their achievements or producing documentaries to highlight their contributions, Boost women's involvement in economic development through the funding of innovative projects and technology incubators and Support young female researchers, particularly those conducting outstanding PhD research, by recognizing their contributions through specialized committees and encouraging further excellence.

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